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Sweep your data up!

Icon: Broom by Francesco Cesqo Stefanini from


Here you can find the notes of what's changed, bugs that have been fixed and features that have been added for each version of Broom that has been released.

1.0.6 - 2023-03-28

Smaller bugfixing update with some internal refactoring to support some up coming features in 1.1.


  • Issues around the mouse based selector disapparing after the toolbar is toggled
  • Sentry was sending one single event on start up, regardless of if the crash reporting preference is disabled or not


  • Updated a lot of internal dependencies, this included having to adjust some styling related issues around the Broom toolbar to avoid styles from leaking into the host page
  • Large refactor of the internal state handling across the extension to support some new features that are in the works


  • The ability to select a tables columns by clicking on the columns header
  • Better support around building selectors for lists © 2024 Josh Ashby | All rights reserved. | Be kind out there.

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