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Pleasant RSS

Raton is a pleasant and unintrusive RSS feed reader and aggregator, bundled into a convenient browser extension for Firefox.

Icon: Mountains by TS Graphics from NounProject.com

Raton leading hero image

Currently in Private Beta

Raton is currently in heavy development, so it's currently in a private beta. When released, Raton will require a $1.00 per month, or $10 per year, subscription and will come with a 7-day free trial.

Raton is a pleasant, simple and clean, but powerful interface for you to catch up on the busy world.

Pick Your View

Switch between a variety of feed experiences to find what fits you best.

The vertical layout is great for smaller screens, while the horizontal layout lets titles breath and comes with an adjustable viewport.

Manage Your Feeds

Set custom titles, subscribe and unsubscribe from feeds with ease.

Keep Up With YouTube Channels

Raton can find and subscribe to YouTube Channels, displaying the videos using YouTubes no-cookie embed so you can keep up with your channels from the same pleasant interface!


Simple and clean doesn't have to mean lacking. Raton's filled with thoughtful, but subtle features to make your experience the best.

Powerful Keyboard Bindings

Set up keyboard bindings that work for you. Raton lets you configure multiple bindings for an action and supports simple key combinations to more complex sequences!

No Lock-in

Import existing feeds from another reader, or export your feeds. Raton lets you be in charge of your news data.

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